Workplace Competencies

Powerful Presentations - Basics (WCPresBasic-Fal21)

Presentations using slides are a very common mode of communication and collaboration in the workplace. The content may be a report on the work you have done or a description of an idea that you have for improving a product or a process or for creating a brand new product or service. Presentations enable others to learn from and connect with your thoughts and become collaborators.

Powerful presentations have a clear structure and flow of concepts and ideas that enable others to understand them easily. In this course, we will first describe the structure and process of effective verbal communications. A significant aspect of the process is the preparation of the message and its delivery. We will discuss a basic structure for preparing powerful presentations and deepen the learning through practice.
  • Before Learning Session #1
  • Prework: My invention that made peace with lions | Richard Turere
  • Prework: Discussion - What does it take to deliver a powerful presentation?
  • Learning Session #1
  • Learning Session: Powerful Presentations - Basics
  • (OPTIONAL) Live Session #1 Recording
  • Discussion: Influence of bias or past experience
  • A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter | Mark Bezos
  • Doing Session #1
  • Homework: Prepare presentation as a team
  • Learning SESSION #2
  • Practice and deliver presentation as a team
  • Doing Session #2
  • Homework: Debrief as a team and provide feedback to each other
  • Homework: Discussion: Key learnings from the course
  • Homework: Course Feedback Survey
  • (OPTIONAL) Student Presentation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever